My Man :)
Treats, treats, and more treats...
Afternoon nap
We saw these sheep coming down for a drink, it was cool we had never seen sheep there before!
Ashlyn has a hard time falling asleep in random places, but for some reason the 4 wheeler always puts her out. She loves Trevor and Chantel, she wanted to ride with them the entire time!
I'm sad summer has been coming to a close, it doesn't really feel like it with the 99 degree weather though, so I can't complain! Here is a few more pictures of what we have been up to lately. A couple weeks ago we headed up to Mayfield camping with our friends Justin and Kaylee, Trev and Chan, and Saturday Tim and Hillary met us up there and took us on this awesome 4-Wheeling ride. I love that canyon, it is so pretty. Ashlyn did awesome, it was a long ride for adults, and she just had the time of her life, she loved riding and seeing all the cows and different animals we passed. She is such a little trooper, and makes everything so much fun! After that we went to the demolition derby, I look forward to that every year, they are so fun. The weather got a little western and we all had to evacuate the arena till it passed. My friends Kelly & Keri, along with her new hubby Adam, his little boy, and Nicole all came down. It was fun to get to see them and let all the kids play. And to top off a great summer, we went to lake powell for 3 days. I love Powell, the weather is hot, the waters warm, lots of snacks, music, and fun times in the water. I was a little worried how Ashlyn would do being on the lake that long, last year was a little rough, trying to get naps and feedings in. But this year she could eat all solid foods, and is down to 1 nap a day. She played her little heart out, then would pass out on the boat for a good snooze, so it worked out great!